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  • Brkić H, Vodanović M. Use of X-rays in forensic dentistry. In: Zadravec D et al. Dental radiology [text in Croatian]. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada. 2023. p.: 293-304.
  • Vodanović M, Galić I. Occupational diseases in dentistry. In: Vodanović M, Alt KW (editors). Essentials of Dental Medicine. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 37-44.
  • Ostroški Anić A, Vodanović M. Dental terminology and health literacy. In: Vodanović M, Alt KW (editors). Essentials of Dental Medicine. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 58-63.
  • Kurt W Alt, Vodanović M. Dental Anthropology. In: Vodanović M, Alt KW (editors). Essentials of Dental Medicine. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 85-96.
  • Vodanović M, Krešić D. Dental Tourism. In: Vodanović M, Alt KW (editors). Essentials of Dental Medicine. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 122-125.
  • Vodanović M, Subašić M. Information technologies and artificial intelligence in dentistry. In: Vodanović M, Alt KW (editors). Essentials of Dental Medicine. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 143-148.
  • Vodanovic M, Richter S, Savic Pavicin I. Dental Profiling and Odontobiography in Forensic Odontology and Archaeology. In: Brkic H. Textbook of forensic odonto-stomatology by IOFOS. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap, 2021, 187-203
  • Vodanović M. Basic Anatomy of the Oral Cavity. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biology and morphology of human teeth. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2021. p: 1-14.
  • Vodanović M. Physiology of the Oral Cavity. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). c. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2021. p: 15-26.
  • Vodanović M. Morphology of Permanent Teeth. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biology and morphology of human teeth. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2021. p: 59-96.
  • Vodanović M. Morphology of Deciduous Teeth. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biology and morphology of human teeth. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2021. p: 97-114.
  • Brkić H, Vodanović M. Teeth in Archaeological and Forensic Research. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biology and morphology of human teeth. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2021. p: 227-238.
  • Brkić H, Vodanović M. Use of X-rays in forensic dentistry. In: Krolo I, Zadravec D et al. Dental radiology. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada. 2020. p.: 292-303.
  • Vodanovic M. [Odontometrics and tooth size variations]. U: Lauc T, Čuković Bagić I. [Dental and craniofacial anthropology]. Zagreb: Alfa; 2019. text in Croatian
  • Vodanovic M., Galic I. [Social justice and access to oral health care]. In: Polgar N. i suradnici. [Ethics in dental medicine]. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 2019. , 171-183, text in Croatian
  • Mahovlić V, Vodanović M. Social events in Croatia during the 40 years of cooperation of doctors from Mainz and Zagreb. In: Biegler MK, Čivljak R. 40 years of cooperation of the Zagreb branch of the Croatian Medical Association and the Association of Doctors of Mainz 1976 – 2016. Zagreb, Mainz, 2017. pages: 59-62.
  • Brkić H, Vodanović M. [Application of X-rays in forensic dentistry]. In: Krolo I, Zadravec D. [Dental radiology]. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2016. pp. 292-303.
  • Vodanović M. Basic Anatomy of the Oral Cavity. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biologija i morfologija ljudskih zuba. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2016. p: 1-14.
  • Vodanović M. Physiology of the Oral Cavity. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biologija i morfologija ljudskih zuba. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2016. p: 15-24.
  • Vodanović M. Morphology of Permanent Teeth. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biologija i morfologija ljudskih zuba. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2016. p: 57-92.
  • Vodanović M. Morphology of Deciduous Teeth. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biologija i morfologija ljudskih zuba. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2016. p: 93-110.
  • Brkić H, Vodanović M. Teeth in Archaeological and Forensic Research. In: Brkić H, Dumančić J, Vodanović M (editors). Biologija i morfologija ljudskih zuba. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2016. p: 223-234.
  • Vodanović M. Dentists from inside. U: Vodanović M (editor). Occupational diseases and diseases related to work in dental medicine [text in Croatian]. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 1-10.
  • Vodanović M. Dentist health and the future. U: Vodanović M (editor). Occupational diseases and diseases related to work in dental medicine [text in Croatian]. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 2022. p: 349-352.
  • Vodanovic M. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. In: Keros J, Vodanovic M et al. 50 years of School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb and 65th anniversary of dental medicine education in Croatia. School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2013. pp. 239-240.
  • Šlaus M, Novak M, Vodanović M. Croatia. In: Márquez Grant N, Fibiger L. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation: An international guide to laws and practice in the excavation and treatment of archaeological human remains. London: Routledge; 2011. pp. 83-97.